B2B marketers must stay on top of changes in the industry in order to anticipate client needs. Fortunately, there are many platforms available that can be useful. But keeping up with technology is still another difficulty!

Did you realise that only 150 digital marketing platforms were available in 2011? There are 8,000 possibilities available today, which is astounding. That is a startling growth of 5,000%! Marketing innovation is undoubtedly on the rise. However, as the pandemic hampered progress?

Even though you might think that during the pandemic you should slow down on marketing innovation, this is actually the most exciting and productive period for developing and delivering a superior marketing-led customer experience.

How can a Marketing-Led Customer Experience improve upon the traditional customer experience?

As a customer moves through your business, there are many gaps that need to be filled. This is where a marketing-led customer strategy comes in. Your client may begin to feel like they are being bounced around on a trampoline as they are passed between marketing, sales, operations, and other departments. With this strategy, the marketing team creates a more seamless end-to-end experience.

As a result, the client and your customer have a better organised and harmonious connection. Your staff may learn more about the whole engagement, which could help you find problems and solve them while also increasing revenue.

Three key traits of a Marketing-Led Customer Experience

Marketing leaders don’t just make it through hard times and uncertainty; they thrive and make things better for customers. What do they do differently, then?

  • They recommit to their values- The simple things in life have gained importance during the pandemic, and people are thinking about what matters most. You’ve definitely noticed this happening. They recommit to their principles. As they help their clients through the sales cycle, B2B marketers need to think about their core values and recommit to their ethics.
  • They focus on the things that matter to their customers –If the epidemic has taught us anything, it is that digital commerce is here to stay. They concentrate on the issues that are important to their clients. However, if you really want to be a business leader, you can’t merely move all of your transactions online and hope that people will like it. Keep in mind that a customer-led experience is the main focus here. Leaders look at the whole digital journey from start to finish to make sure it fits with what their clients value.
  • They remain agile and always seek new information – They are still nimble and constantly look for new knowledge. Successful marketers are flexible and prepared to change directions to focus on what matters to their clients. Given the uncertain nature of your client’s behaviour right now, this is particularly crucial. To give customers what they want when they want it, marketers must concentrate on collecting and analysing data on consumer behaviour. You must have a clear understanding of what your customers want and the adaptability and agility to fulfil those needs.